Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Trapeze School!

I have always wated to go to Circus School and I just decided that when I hit my weight loss goal, I am going to sign up! I defiantely want to be a bit thinner before I go hurling myself through the air!

When I told Bean my plan, he was really excited for the goal and told me that his contribution would be to PAY for it! YAY!

I am really excited about this. I always need to work toward a goal and this is the perfect motivation! And can you imagine all the new costume possibilities? Like this:

I am obsessed with DSquared's Circus line for Brittney. So creative! I may have to get extensions as well! :)

I mean...I may have to run away with the circus if I LOVE IT!

Speaking of loving it, maybe hitting the gym to strengthen my arms wouldn't be a bad idea!

I seriously think that I want to have my birthday party here. (hint, hint!)

1 comment:

Taylor said...

Oh, wow! What a great dream to work towards! Keep me informed.