Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Happy New Year and Hiatus...
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Zara and The Black Nativity
Dress: Zara
Shirt: H&M
Necklace: F21
Tights: TJ MAXX
Shoes: Nordstrom
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Holiday Party...
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Holiday MADNESS...
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
So for those of you who don't know, Loehmanns is like the designer TJ MAXX. I found out about it when I lived in So Cal this summer. I was SURE that we didn't have them where I live until I was driving on a random highway and there it WAS! In all its glory!
I think it is the only one in the state! Bean and I went to visit it the other day and it is so AMAZING! Designer clothes at discount prices (which to me is still too much to spend right now!)
I heart it. A LOT.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Mad for Monday Plaid
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Dinner with Friends
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Dancing with Myself (in mixed prints)
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
~My first outfit post~ For Tieka!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Family Dynamics

Monday, November 23, 2009
Knee Socks and Buster Browns
So in the interest of saving the feet I was born with, I had to quit teaching in 5 inch heels. I know, I know...It pains me to have to admit it (but the pain in my feet is way worse!) I used to be unfazed by it. I don't know what happened. My feet finally gave me the big fatty finger.
SO I went comfy shoe shopping (which I still hate that I did it) and found a pair of shoes. I also bought a pair of thigh high black boots to offset the nausea of wearing anything made by BORN.
I called my mom and told her I bought a pair of shoes that I am sure that I also had at the age of 5. My mom loved a strong pair of Buster Brown T-straps...Maybe that is why I was drawn to them.
I decided to "fun" them up and wear pink argyle knee highs with them. You know to show a bit of humor in the fact that Queen High Heel was joining the "comfort shoe crowd". So I show up to school and low and behold...
I am dressed exactly like one of my students. We both have wicked sense of personal style if I do say so myself! Hence the picture above!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
"She could be a Farmer in those clothes..."
So the line above is from the movie Clueless...but seriously happened to me in real life yesterday. I get it. I dress like myself and that means I do NOT look like 98% of the population. I have been dealing with the repercussions of having my own style my whole life. People don't always understand, but sure do want MY help when it comes to a big event for them. The story yesterday was just that. Someone (parent) told someone else that she was pissed that my school doesn't wear costumes to school on Halloween when (and semi quote) "I mean, you have a teacher dressed up like a farmer today". Hmmm... OK. I WAS wearing cowboy boots and pigtails, but that is way more Eli Mae than farmer.LOL!
So I was hurt, but it is NOTHING new. I can take it. So to prove to that big B that I didn't give a ish what she thought, I sported these adorable socks with my equally adorable high heels. Take that!
So go eat your lunch in your boring black pea coat and predictable black pants with your predictable Kenneth Cole boots.
and I will keep pushing fashion forward for you.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Shame on me...
THIS has been keeping me at full well as an hour commute both ways to get here and home. BUT...I got an apartment and I am so EXCITED to move in! I promise as soon as that happens, my blog (and life!) will be better attended to!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
Got Mold?
I can't even go into the fact that my landlord thinks that this isn't hazardous to my health at all. Why would he, right? HE left it like this to save a few bucks. I can't even go into it because I am so frustrated I CAN'T type properly as my anger is making all the letters on my keyboard spell bad words.
I will keep you updated on the situation. I am typing this from Bean's apartment because my house is inhabitable, but my a-hole landlord won't compensate me by deducting $ off my rent for the days I cannot stay in my apartment because "you actually sleep upstairs". Yeah. That is what he said.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Where's Spencer?
Look at these glorious BOYS! I have missed them SO MUCH! I finally got to see them and it brought tears to my eyes to hug their little bodies again. *sigh* What a great feeling!
The last few days were filled with reconnecting with friends I haven't seen in a long time, meeting the newest member of my family, hugging my dad and staying up late giggling with my mom.
It was amazing.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Self Editing with a side of teasing...
So for those of you who do not know this already, I love fashion. I have discovered that my best model for my mixes and remixes (outfits and restyled pieces) is me. I am the only one with the patience to sit through all the clothing changes without getting paid! :) I have been faithfully following some MAJA cool blogs about girls and what they are wearing. And get this...They set up tripods and take pictures of themselves! Isn't that amazing! I bet that they don't even feel guilty about it. Why should they, right?
Style Rookie (BTW this is the coolest 13 year old I have ever known, and don't know her!)
I would love to be this free, and as you can see above, am on occasion. I like finding the point in which you can see the details of the clothes and the way they hang. SO what holds me back from a full on "what I wore" blog? I guess it is the fear of being teased. I hate being teased. I shouldn't because I have been teased a lot in my life about being too sensitive (sure tease the sensitive one, she's an easy target!), about being vain (goes hand in hand with wanting to photograph yourself, I guess), occasionally speaking so fast I stutter (my brain has a lot to say and sometimes my mouth can't keep up!) or taking extreme fashion risks in a high school of less than 150 kids. Don't get me wrong I can laugh at myself and am extremely fun loving, but personal attacks I do not do well.
So this is a cathartic post as I am working on being my authentic self (thanks for that post Julie!). It is courageous to be exactly who you are and not feel ashamed or embarrassed. I feel that writing it down was my first step in shaking this feeling.
And hopefully someday soon, you will see my fully styled self with a tripod in a park near you!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
These shoes vs UPS
I have been waiting for these shoes for 3 weeks. They should have been at my house in 3 days. I have never had such a hard time with shipping in MY LIFE! I would rush home everyday to see if these faboosh sandals were on my front porch, and the answer was always NO. So I called UPS, they told me even with the tracking number they had been misplaced. I had a day nightmare (like a day dream but scary) that these LAST PAIR of Sam Edelman Flats had fallen off the truck and someone else who didn't LOVE LOVE LOVE them as much as I did was going to wear them. *tear*. So they finally found them in some warehouse in Laguna Beach, and promised to get them to me the next day. They did not come. SO I finally called again. Nordstrom wanted to order me a new pair, but this was the last one in the system. To make this long story short, I seriously had to call the drivers on the route cell phone and meet him at the Urban Outfitters to pick them up...
I was thoroughly annoyed until...I opened the box. Then I was instantly in a good mood.
They were perfect!
Sorry all for the gap in blogs. I was offline for a few days!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Studio Time with ROXY
My last two days at ROXY were absolutely amazing. I was helping our showroom coordinator with the 2010 Spring Look Book. Basically it is the greatest pieces in the collection styled in our own way. I helped style all the looks (30 of them) and had a blast. We really took ideas from the runway and used them in a way that translated to ROXY. Roxy is aging up their brand and the pieces are looking amazing. It was really great to be with a group of people who were so passionate about each look and took it very seriously (as seriously as I do). I may dress very kitschy and whimsical, but I am still very serious about the pieces I choose. It is very intentional. It just felt so good to be a part of the fashion forecasting for ROXY. The model we used was pretty much the cutest and tallest girl you have ever seen. Man, models are constantly being pulled one way and the other. Something that sounds so glamourous is a lot of being tugged at, poked with pins, and constantly told what they should be doing (relax the face, more edgy, softer in the eyes...). They are basically a human hanger. She did an amazing job and the Look Book is going to freakin' kill it! (that means do really well!)
This is what I was born to do.
What an amazing experience!
Monday, August 10, 2009
I am trying to pack my room in preparation for the move back to Seattle. I saw this skirt hanging in the closet and felt a little apprehension about its safety in a plastic garbage bag shoved in my car for over 20 hours. So I left it alone and almost instantly became severely unmotivated to pack. I am leaving with a full heart, but sadness is still following me. I really like the work I have been doing. I kept roaming around my room and not really making any progress when I decided to take a picture of the skirt. It was feeling what I was feeling. The picture made me even more sad, so to cheer myself (and the skirt) up, I decided it would be a lot more fun to pack IN this skirt and swish around like a ballerina! So I put it on! I now feel a lot prettier, but it didn't help at all in packing my room.
Boo. But a very Ballerina Pretty Boo.
Above all, this makes me smile.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Obtaining space.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
I heart the G.O.!
For those of you that have NEVER been to the Grocery Outlet, you are missing out! They have the best stuff (and the best stuff always goes fast) and also a lot of organic products for seriously half of what you would pay at dare I say...Safeway. My sister always calls me to tell me that she got like 3 bags of groceries at the outlet for _____. (fill in that blank with an incredibly low number!)
Now if you have never been, it isn't a place you make a list to go to. You just go and see what they have. It's fun. I love their health and beauty section. I always walk out with SOMETHING. Right now, I want this patio set, but do not have a patio! Ha ha...
The G.O. has been in my life for years, and will be for years to come. All are individually owned, and I have biases to which are better than others. Albany G.O is one of the best! (Hi Shanny! Good Luck today!)
Go and tell me what your favorite bargain was...
Mine lately has been Goat soap for $.99!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Look closely...THIS IS NOT ART!

I got a phone call on Saturday morning telling me that THIS pipe in my Seattle apartment living room burst causing a major hole in the drywall and a fire hydrant like spray flooding my apartment. I seriously almost lost it right then and there on the phone. (BTW the pic above is after the plumber replaced the pipe and cut a nicer hole). If you know me, you know that I am a weirdo about my stuff.
I love it.
I searched for it.
I stole it from my mother (sorry mom).
I got up at 5am to be the first in line at an estate sale to find it.
I held it in my lap as a little girl until my Gramma Margaret said that I could have it.
Did I mention that I love it?
I mean the pic on the wall above the hole was actually in the Bagley's HOME and I bugged them enough to sell it to me OFF THEIR WALL.
To be so far away and hear that my stuff may potentially be ruined left me in tears. Ask my family or my besties about my favorite sweater that was lost by the airlines YEARS ago. I still wish I had it and still bring it up. So you get the gist...
I sit here knowing that I cannot bring closure to this until I see it for myself and that makes me sick to my stomach. I am the girl who has to take care of everything RIGHT away and am antsy till things are set right. (I am like this with relationships too. How fun for the peeps around me that need space! Ha ha...)
Ugh. Grrr. Ugh.
And here I sit at a loss to how to end this blog with something positive or witty...
but I don't really want to be either right now, so I won't.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Roxy Japan
I just found out the other day that ROXY has divisions all over the world that have their own designers... ROXY Australia is super hot for real leather jackets, and ROXY Brazil has some of the sexiest (and smallest) bikinis ever and the wet suit zip up vest is from our ROXY Japan line...I think it kind of looks like leather in this pic.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Angels in the outfield!
I went to the Angels game last night and it was F~U~N!
They won and I got a free jersey! AND to top it off I could see Disneyland's fireworks from my seat as well as the Angels had their own fireworks!
Good times!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Pizookies and Urban Hiking
A cookies and cream pizookie used to sit in this dish. It was the best thing that happened to me on Sunday: Hanging out with people I like and eating the best dessert in the world.
Other things that happened on Sunday that didn't come close to being pizookie good were: Urban hiking for over an hour, getting knocked down by a HUGE wave, rubbing sand in my own eye, mountain climbing, being ROXY excited, and finding half the beach in the bottom's of my bikini...
I want more pizookie and I want it know!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
US Open of Surfing
I was down in at Huntington Beach yesterday for a Dear and Yonder screening and this is what the beach looked like! It was madness! Usually you can see the water from here, but this is such a huge event and they have stages and booths everywhere! It is basically a festival on the sand. It took me 15 mins to get to the water from here (when usually it would take me 3). I got to watch some heats of the US Open and the waves were HUGE due to a tropical storm in the south. A couple of ROXY surfers made it to the semi's...They surf today for the finals. Good Luck Ladies!
Have a great weekend!
Friday, July 24, 2009
It's 3 a.m. I must be lonely...for Jerry Springer?
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Water Aerobics VS THIS...
So as I sit here SUPER sore from water aerobics, I came across this photo that I sent to Bean. This is what I did all weekend long last weekend and I did not feel guilty AT ALL that I listened to my iPod till it died, read most of my book and actually fell asleep for awhile (which is really strange as my body has a hard time sleeping in public!).
The flip was that yesterday I started my water aerobics class (which snicker if you want, but those classes are as HARD as you want them to be!). I frog hopped and bicep (can you use this as a singular?) curled my way through the pool. It felt good to move my body and laugh with people I didn't know about how uncoordinated one can feel under the water.
Today I had my chance to do either...Go to water aerobics with my sore self or catch the last rays of the day (seriously only about 20 minutes worth of laying out time!) and I chose....
the 20 minutes in the sun of course! I read my book and rested my day away.
Come on....If you know me, this story does NOT have a surprise ending! :)
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Anthony Kiedis wants YOU to go watch Dear and Yonder!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Get outside!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
I thought that this was a pretty ingenious fountain at a place called the Anti-mall. It still is a place to shop, but they are too hip and cutting edge to want to be called a mall. Whatev. The fountain was surrounded by a cool little sitting area so I copped a squat and took this photo for all of you to enjoy it with me!
I think I hear my bed calling me...*yawn* zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz