Wednesday, August 19, 2009

These shoes vs UPS

I have been waiting for these shoes for 3 weeks.  They should have been at my house in 3 days.  I have never had  such a hard time with shipping in MY LIFE!  I would rush home everyday to see if these faboosh sandals were on my front porch, and the answer was always NO.  So I called UPS, they told me even with the tracking number they had been misplaced.  I had a day nightmare (like a day dream but scary) that these LAST PAIR of Sam Edelman Flats had fallen off the truck and someone else who didn't LOVE LOVE LOVE them as much as I did was going to wear them. *tear*.  So they finally found them in some warehouse in Laguna Beach, and promised to get them to me the next day.  They did not come.  SO I finally called again.  Nordstrom wanted to order me a new pair, but this was the last one in the system.  To make this long story short, I seriously had to call the drivers on the route cell phone and meet him at the Urban Outfitters to pick them up...

I was thoroughly annoyed until...I opened the box.  Then I was instantly in a good mood.  

They were perfect!


Sorry all for the gap in blogs.  I was offline for a few days!  

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