Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Water Aerobics VS THIS...

So as I sit here SUPER  sore from water aerobics, I came across this photo that I sent to Bean.  This is what I did all weekend long last weekend and I did not feel guilty AT ALL that I listened to my iPod till it died, read most of my book and actually fell asleep for awhile (which is really strange as my body has a hard time sleeping in public!).  

The flip was that yesterday I started my water aerobics class (which snicker if you want, but those classes are as HARD as you want them to be!).  I frog hopped and bicep (can you use this as a singular?)  curled my way through the pool.  It felt good to move my body and laugh with people I didn't know about how uncoordinated one can feel under the water.


Today I had my chance to do either...Go to water aerobics with my sore self or catch the last rays of the day (seriously only about 20 minutes worth of laying out time!) and I chose....

the 20 minutes in the sun of course!  I read my book and rested my day away.

Come on....If you know me, this story does NOT have a surprise ending!  :)



Unknown said...

Of course you would pick the sun! Duh!!!! Haha

SaraMcD said...

Tara, frogs are painful. Wow, you are livin the dream. I hope you are living it up-life is short.
-Love ya-Sara McD.