Let me start this post with the fact that I love my family. LOTS.
When we get together for holidays, I remember that as a kid this was the only time we were usually all together. My dad was gone for his job a lot, but was home in the winters for the most part. I think that is why I love December so much!
So as much as we all play a role in our family...I am forever the baby. Even though I now have a younger brother, I am still the baby. My dad put it all in perspective for me this weekend with a simple statement: It's the card you have drawn. And it's your choice to play it or not.
And BANG...It made me realize that I DO play it. It is like auto pilot is on when it comes to family dynamics in my family and on a normal day these dynamics are mostly on mute, but on a HOLIDAY it's as if someone turned on the surround sound!
Here is what I am thankful for about my family:
DAD: He is a goofball at all the wrong times, but when you need him to step up... HE ALWAYS WILL. He has a lot of odd wisdom. I love him.
MOM: She is the eternal peacekeeper, but in a quite non-partial way. It takes brilliance to not take sides. And when you get her alone, away from all judgmental eyes and ears, she is the funniest person I have ever met. I love her.
SISTER: She is the epitome of devil's advocate. She plays both sides like a dueling piano. She is a genius like that. She is really great at retaining information and is smart in a way that I will never understand. We are polar opposites and I love her.
BROTHER: He brings joy to all of us for the sheer fact that he is 12 years old. What a fun time! I love him.
My family can drive me crazy in ways you can't even imagine (or in ways you can!)
But I am thankful everyday that I have them there to drive me crazy. Maybe one day everyone will realize that the family role they play is just that...a role...you can play it or let it go...
And one day I will be able to invite them all to my house and create the Holiday that I have always envisioned in my head. My home, my husband, my kids. But for now, I am thankful to be a part of someone else's dream.
Hey sis luv ya back. This made me laugh.
Cute post!!
And I'm so jealous you're wearing my wishlist boots! You should take pictures so I can drool and see how they look on a real person! :D And thanks for the advice about them too. Super appreciated!! Much love.
selective potential
I love this post and can't begin to tell you how much I could relate to it. It came just in time....right before I have to go to AZ and deal with my family for the holidays....but your dad is right I get to choose what cards I want to play. I got tears in my eyes with your ending sentence... " And one day I will be able to invite them all to my house and create the Holiday that I have always envisioned in my head. My home, my husband, my kids. But for now, I am thankful to be a part of someone else's dream."
I really needed that!! I have written it down and reflect on it many times before the holidays
So...thank you....
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