Sunday, March 21, 2010

You like it green?

Hi Blogger Friends!
I have been so slammed with work. The school I work in gives a one page personal narrative to each student instead of a standard report card. It is a great thing to get, but a TON OF WORK for me! So I have been slammed with typing (so blogger typing counted as extra!)

This is me mowing Bean's lawn. It still cracks me up looking at these photos. He doesn't have a gas powered mower (yet) and this push mower was left with the house. This is the FRONT yard (the back is a DOUBLE LOT!) At least I am being green!
Yes. Yes. I do mow a lawn in flats, BF jeans, and a cardi. I didn't have any work clothes at the BF's house.

The neighbor yelled across the road "you need to get a picture of that!" Well here is a video...
It makes me giggle every time! (But I need a better way to upload so you can see the content as it sits there...Any ideas out there would be appreciated!)

Ha ha...

As for the inquires about my slow but steady weight loss plan, i will outline it on Weight Loss Wednesday!

See ya tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

I think it's a perfectly acceptable outfit for yard work :)

Taylor said...

When we bought our house 7 1/2 years ago we also bought a push mower and I love it except that it doesn't seem to cut the grass as short as gas-powered mowers but it's so fun and quiet!

Rachel said...

i have never mowed a lawn. after seeing this ive put it on my bucket list. :)

ShannySue said...
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ShannySue said...

I about died when I saw YOU mowing the lawn! You're lucky the grass wasn't 3 feet tall!

Jolie said...

That's quite the workout girl! That's a hard job, I must admit, I've never done it! ;)

Julie said... crack me up!! I miss you!!

Betty and Veronica said...

HAHA! Cute pictures! You look awesome even mowing the lawn!


Rachel said...

thank you for commenting on my hair clips!
if you really would like a larger bow made, just email me with the color you'd like etc. :)

x. & o.

Nukilan Orang Buta Hati said...

nice outfit