Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Weight Loss Wednesdays

So I told you all that I always pose with my food! I swear I have enough of these pics to last me 100 Wednesdays!

So here is the GOOD news! I am down 1.4lbs! YAY!

My friend Jen gave me a pretty great eating plan that I stuck with and it is working (with a few cheats here and there).

So I have only have 26 lbs more to go!

Great Day! Here's to another week of keeping on track!


melissa said...

that picture sure makes me want some cake! hahah What do you think the hardest part about losing weight is? I'd have to say, soda, hands down!

Kim said...

What a fun photo, really cute!

Congrats on 1.4lbs :D

Christen said...

Congratulations! Every little bit counts and you look wonderful :)

ShannySue said... must be at the Madonna Inn. Cute!

Anonymous said...

Love that pic!

Congratulations on keeping on know, I already think you look fabulous, but I am glad that you are feeling fabulous!


Tabitha said...

CONGRATS! If you don't mind sharing, I would love to know what you're doing. I have about 30 pounds that I'd like to lose and would love to see what's working for you.

Betty and Veronica said...

Thats the cutest picture! Congrats on the 1.4 lbs!!! Thats amazing, keep it up girl!


Rachel said...

good job! losing weight is such a feat really. just found ur blog a couple days ago but i love it! i left you something at my blog if you get a chance to check it out :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats! Agree that if you'd like, I'd love to hear what you're doing. I lost some weight last year but it found me again and it needs to go :)

Stacy said...

congratulations!! would you ever want to share the eating plan or some tips?

Chloë, Wardrobe Quarry said...

yumm and i think you look beautiful

Cindy / Aka Chymecindy said...

So yummy!

Novie said...

So cute! I love that cake...

TheSlimGirl said...

So pretty!

Valerie said...

That piece of cake looks AMAZING!!! I want one!!! Love your blog! :)