I have taken to napping from around 5:30 to 9:00pm every night instead. I have been so exhausted lately.
It is the last 10 weeks of school and my job is to get all these kiddos reading at level by June. I put all the energy I have into that and it leaves me spent and wanting Rootbeer floats for dinner. Not to mention this is also on my plate (maybe this is why I have been so tired?!? TOXIC fumes!)
I hope to pull it together soon. I need to pull it together soon. But right now I am enjoying the time off from society.
Don't worry. I will return shortly.
And thanks for understanding!
Hang in there!
Understood. Take care! You come first...not us.
Completely understandable. Happens to me often. Hang in there!
Not hard to understand.
If you have the time, check out my blog and definitely feel free to comment or even follow? :)))
hey lady...thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting! i'm adding you to my follow list!
Hang in there! x
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