Today was Bean's Closing Day! I became super obnoxious (which I mistake for cute!) and took pictures of his every move today! Here they are... (with commentary)
Hey Bean. Hey Bean. You are such a grown up! You bought a HOUSE! Show me your "I bought a house " face!
Beans favorite pic because I am being naughty and he is telling me to stop.
Mr. Fix It! He found a hammer at the house today and after closing that hammer became his property! Suckers!
Knock. Knock.
Who's There?
I am so very proud of you in every way. Your new house shows your courage and the ability to take risks. You are my home buying hero! XOXO!
SO EXCITING! When's the house warming party? Congratulations Jeffy Pooh! Dori
Yay! That's so exciting! Buying a house is so liberating. Bought mine with my husband when I was 22. When is he going to ask you to move in?
Awesome! Can't wait to come over and see the inside, and I really can't wait for the bbq's in that huge backyard this summer. That's right I invited myself. Congrats!
That is wonderful! Congrats Jeff! So...when are you moving in?? :)
So cute!^^
Congratulations! ;)
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